Believe it or not, screws actually have some fascinating bits of history as well as some cool information. Here are some interesting facts pertaining to small screws and the micro fastening sector: Check out our EZ Screw Builder to build your custom screw! Early screws had to be handmade and no two screws were ever […]
FAQ: How Are Screws Used in Surgical Settings?
We’re surrounded by screws wherever we go. These tiny tools are used to hold together our electronics, throughout our homes, and to hold our buildings together. But did you realize they can actually be used inside your body, too? Of course, most people would like to avoid this at all costs. Check out our EZ […]

Thread Rolling 101: Everything You Need to Know
Looking for an efficient method to produce external threads on a screw? Why not try thread rolling for customized micro screws or other small screws? Thread rolling for customized micro screws, or any other screw for that matter, is a highly versatile process for cold forming, which can be done on any type of ductile […]
Are Micro Screws Helping Orthodontists?
If you work in a machine shop, you’re probably familiar with tools like machine screws. It’s no secret why, either. The screw was created around 200 B.C., which means it’s one of the oldest forms of tools out there! Even though you’re probably familiar with machine screws or other custom screws, have you ever thought […]
Easy Tips for Inserting Screws into Vinyl Siding
For many home and business owners looking to remodel their building’s exterior, vinyl siding is always a viable option. It’s the perfect choice for a clean, smart, and classic look that will last a lifetime. However, the real challenge lies in installing it. Check out our EZ Screw Builder to build your custom screw! In […]
How-to: Removing a Screw with a Screw Extractor
Screws are extremely useful tools in our daily lives. They’ve been around for many, many years. In fact, early screws had to be handmade, so each one was different from the one before it. In 1928, the National Screw Thread Commission established a standard for screw threads for interchangeability. Check out our EZ Screw Builder […]
What You Need to Know About Screws: Part 2
In part one, we discussed the different types of screw heads and why there are so many. But now, it’s time to focus on screw point types. Check out our EZ Screw Builder to build your custom screw! Much like custom screw heads, there are a bunch of different types of points that come from […]
What You Should Know About Screws: Part 1
If you’ve worked with tools in the past, or work with them on a daily basis, you’ve probably dealt with screws. But when you pick up a screw, have you ever noticed that not all screws look the same? Check out our EZ Screw Builder to build your custom screw! If you’ve noticed that all […]
Stripped Screws: A Simple Solution Explained With Science
Custom fasteners are in growing demand. This is due to technological advancements and necessity. Screws and other fastening technology are absolutely integral to the continued existence of the civilized world. This is no exaggeration, as the need to join two products together will never go away, and much of our infrastructure would collapse without screws. […]
Prevailing Torque and Two Types of Thread Lockers
The miniature screws market has been flourishing lately with the high demand for smaller electronic components. One of the difficulties manufacturers of smartphones and other handheld devices have with tiny screws is the task of fastening them securely when faced with potential vibration or external forces unfastening the screw. The way small screws have overcome […]
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