Early screws had to made by hand, so no two produced were ever alike. With technology making leaps and bounds every day, that is certainly no longer the case: CNC (Computer Numeric Control) machines now perform precise filings and shapings of almost any type of material, allowing consistently sized and formed screws to be made on a large scale production.
This industrial technology, used for more than just the manufacturing of micro screws and custom shoulder bolts, has been miniaturized in recent years, allowing the average user access to this highly technical piece of equipment. It may seem financially worthwhile to purchase a desktop CNC machine to make your own custom screws and custom shoulder bolts, but here are a few reasons why you shouldn’t take the risk.
- Inaccuracy: While the machines themselves are flawlessly precise, they are still machines; they need a trained professional to program and operate them. In addition to needing exact placement of the material (aluminum, composites, etc.) in the machine itself, there is usually a joint computer program that holds the actual design of what you’re trying to shape or cut. If you are inexperienced in the field of industrial manufacturing or have only used these programs a handful of times, don’t press your luck — you could end up damaging the machine and yourself, and won’t have a working piece to show for it.
- Cost: Personal CNC machines start in the low hundred dollar range and extend all the way into the several thousands. While a cheap one may seem like it will save you money in the long run, especially if you have a project that requires the production of dozens of micro fasteners or custom shoulder bolts, in reality it doesn’t quite add up. The risk outweighs the payout — particularly if you end up damaging or breaking the brand new item due to inexperience.
- Danger: The most important reason of all, CNC machines are dangerous. Outside of the fact that they are powerful enough to cut solid metal, the shavings produced from their efforts are detrimental in a handful of ways. They could become embedded in your hands and require a visit to urgent care for proper removal or, worst of all, could fly up into your eyes and cause permanent damage (in addition to heaps of pain).
Unless you are an experienced professional who has worked in the industry for years and years, purchasing a miniaturized CNC machine for personal use is just not worth the potential risks. Save yourself the trouble and find a custom screw manufacturer instead.
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